Vegetables Names in English and Hindi with Pictures: Learn Easily!

Are you learning English or want to help someone else learn English? Whether you are a student, a parent, or just want to brush up on your vocabulary, learning a language starts with the basics. So why not learn the names of vegetables that we use in our daily lives?

In this article, we will tell you the names of more than 50 vegetables in English and Hindi also provide their pictures so that you can understand. We will also share other information and facts related to vegetables with you.

Names of vegetables in English

Table of Contents

All Vegetables Name in English and Hindi with pictures

Vegetables Name in EnglishVegetables Name in HindiVegetables Image
PotatoआलूVegetable Name (Potato)
TomatoटमाटरVegetable Name (Tomato)
Onionप्याजVegetable Name (Onion)
CarrotगाजरVegetable Name (Carrot)
RadishमूलीVegetable Name (Radish)
SpinachपालकVegetable Name (Spinach)
EggplantबैंगनVegetable Name (Eggplant)
CucumberखीराVegetable Name (Cucumber)
CauliflowerफूलगोभीVegetable Name (Cauliflower)
Cabbageपत्ता गोभीVegetable Name (Cabbage)
Pumpkinकद्दूVegetable Name (Pumpkin)
GarlicलहसुनVegetable Name (Garlic)
GingerअदरकVegetable Name (Ginger)
BeetrootचुकंदरVegetable Name (Beetroot)
Bitter GourdकरेलाVegetable Name (Bitter Gourd)
Bottle GourdलौकीVegetable Name (Bottle Gourd)
Bell Pepperशिमला मिर्चVegetable Name (Bell Pepper)
Green PeasमटरVegetable Name (Green Peas)
Sweet Cornभुट्टाVegetable Name (Sweet Corn)
LadyfingerभिंडीVegetable Name (Ladyfinger)
ZucchiniतुरईVegetable Name (Zucchini)
Fenugreek LeavesमेथीVegetable Name (Fenugreek Leaves)
DrumstickसहजनVegetable Name (Drumstick)
MushroomsमशरूमVegetable Name (Mushrooms)
Sweet PotatoशकरकंदVegetable Name (Sweet Potato)
YamजिमीकंदVegetable Name (Yam)
TurnipशलगमVegetable Name (Turnip)
Ash GourdपेठाVegetable Name (Ash Gourd)
Cluster Beansगवार फलीVegetable Name (Cluster Beans)
Ridge GourdतोरईVegetable Name (Ridge Gourd)
Brinjal Smallछोटा बैंगनVegetable Name (Brinjal Small)
Snake GourdचिचिंडाVegetable Name (Snake Gourd)
Celeryअजवाइन पत्तीVegetable Name (Celery)
Curry Leavesकरी पत्ताVegetable Name (Curry Leaves)
Spring Onionहरा प्याजVegetable Name (Spring Onion)
CorianderधनियाVegetable Name (Coriander)
MintपुदीनाVegetable Name (Mint)
Green Chiliहरी मिर्चVegetable Name (Green Chili)
Red Chiliलाल मिर्चVegetable Name (Red Chili)
Capsicumशिमला मिर्चVegetable Name (Capsicum)
Broccoliब्रोकोलीVegetable Name (Broccoli)
Lettuceसलाद पत्ताVegetable Name (Lettuce)
ArbiअरबीVegetable Name (Arbi)
JackfruitकटहलVegetable Name (Jackfruit)
Radish Greensमूली के पत्तेVegetable Name (Radish Greens)
Mustard Greensसरसों का सागVegetable Name (Mustard Greens)
Dill LeavesसोयाVegetable Name (Dill Leaves)
Kohlrabiगांठ गोभीVegetable Name (Parsnip)
Parsnipसफ़ेद गाजरVegetable Name (Parsnip)
Leekहरा प्याजVegetable Name (Leek)

Types of Vegetabels (सब्जियों के प्रकार)

Vegetables are an important part of our diet, they provide us with taste as well as nutrition. All vegetables are of different types, like some vegetables are leafy and some are root vegetables, similarly there are many types of vegetables. Therefore, all vegetables are divided on the basis of their properties.

  1. Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, lettuce, collards, mustard greens.
  2. Root Vegetables: Carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, parsnips.
  3. Bulbs: Onions, garlic, leeks, shallots.
  4. Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams.
  5. Stems: Asparagus, celery, bamboo shoots.
  6. Flowers: Broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes.
  7. Fruits: Tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, eggplants, zucchinis.
  8. Seeds: Peas, beans, lentils, corn.


Leaf (Green) Vegetables (पत्तेदार हरी सब्ज़ियाँ)

    • Spinach – पालक 
    • Fenugreek – मेथी 
    • Coriander Leaves – धनिया पत्ता 
    • Mustard Greens – सरसों का साग 
    • Mint Leaves – पुदीना 
    • Amaranth Leaves – चौलाई 
    • Kale – केल 

Root Vegetables (जड़ वाली सब्ज़ियाँ)

  • Carrot – गाजर 
  • Radish – मूली 
  • Beetroot – चुकंदर 
  • Turnip – शलजम 
  • Parsnip – सफेद गाजर 
  • Taro Root (अरबी)   

Bulb Vegetables (कंद सब्ज़ियाँ)

  • Onion – प्याज 
  • Garlic – लहसुन 
  • Spring Onion – हरा प्याज 
  • Shallots – छोटी प्याज 
  • Ginger – अदरक 
  • Turmeric – हल्दी 

Tubers Vegetables (गाँठदार सब्ज़ियाँ)

  • Potato – आलू 
  • Sweet Potato – शकरकंद 
  • Yam – जिमीकंद 
  • Cassava – कसावा/सिंगाड़ा 
  • Arrowroot – अरारोट 
  • Ginger – अदरक 
  • Turmeric – हल्दी 

Stem Vegetables (डंठल वाली सब्ज़ियाँ)

  • Celery – अजवाइन का डंठल 
  • Asparagus – शतावरी 
  • Lotus Stem – कमल ककड़ी 
  • Fennel Stem – सौंफ डंठल 
  • Sugarcane – गन्ना 

Flower Vegetables (फूल वाली सब्ज़ियाँ)

  • Cauliflower – फूलगोभी 
  • Broccoli – ब्रोकोली 
  • Banana Flower – केले का फूल 
  • Artichoke – हथीचोक 
  • Pumpkin Flower – कद्दू का फूल
  • Zucchini flowers – ज़ुचिनी के फूल

Fruits Vegetables (फल वाली सब्ज़ियाँ)

  • Tomato – टमाटर 
  • Cucumber – खीरा 
  • Bell Pepper – शिमला मिर्च 
  • Brinjal (Eggplant) – बैंगन 
  • Pumpkin – कद्दू 
  • Bottle Gourd – लौकी 

Seeds Vegetables (बीज वाली सब्ज़ियाँ)

  • Peas – मटर 
  • Lentils (Sprouted) – अंकुरित दाल 
  • Chickpeas (Sprouted) – अंकुरित चना 
  • Corn (Maize) – मक्का 
  • Beans – सेम/राजमा 

Nutritional Benefits of Common Vegetables

Vegetables enhance the taste of our food and provide us nutrition. They help in keeping us healthy and preventing diseases. Here, we have mentioned the nutritional benefits of some vegetables.


1. Carrot (गाजर)

Nutrients: Vitamin A, beta-carotene, fiber, and potassium.



  • Improves eyesigh.
  • Makes the skin healthy and glowing.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

2. Tomato (टमाटर)

Nutrients: Vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants like lycopene.



  • Improves heart health.
  • Improves skin glow.
  • Improves digestive system.

3. Spinach (पालक)

Nutrients: Iron, calcium, Vitamin K, and magnesium.



  • Helps in strengthening bones.
  • Helps in curing anemia.
  • Increases energy.

4. Potato (आलू)

Nutrients: carbohydrates, Vitamin C, and potassium



  • Provides instant energy to the body.
  • Keeps the digestive system healthy.
  • Helps in the functioning of muscles and nerves.

5. Onion (प्याज

Nutrients: antioxidants, Vitamin C, and sulfur compounds.



  • Keeps the heart healthy by reducing bad cholesterol in the body.
  • Helps in strengthening the immune system.
  • Reduces inflammation in the body.

6. Garlic (लहसुन)

Nutrients: allicin, antioxidants, and Vitamin B6.



  • Helps in lowering blood pressure.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Reduces the risk of infection.

7. Cabbage (पत्ता गोभी)

Nutrients: Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and fiber.



  • Helps in weight loss.
  • Improves the digestive system.
  • Detoxifies the body.

8. Cauliflower (फूलगोभी)

Nutrients: Vitamin C, folate, and fiber.



  • Helps improve brain health.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps in controlling weight.

9. Peas (मटर

Nutrients: protein, fiber, and Vitamin K.



  • Increases muscle strength.
  • Helps keep bones healthy.
  • Improves digestive system.

10. Pumpkin (कद्दू)

Nutrients: beta-carotene, Vitamin A, and potassium.



  • Helps improve eyesight.
  • Improves heart health.
  • Strengthens the immune system.